Process for Registration with Bangladesh Investment Development Authority

All Bangladesh industrial enterprise is required to be registered with Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA). Without it, investor/ entrepreneur will not be able to obtain many essential licenses and permits such as Import Registration Certificate, Export Registration Certificate, Bond License, etc. BIDA registration is also mandatory for obtaining industrial plot in the special economic zone.
The investor is required to collect the application form from BIDA and submit the filled up form to the respective department of BIDA. The form is required to be supported by relevant documents. The list of required documents are provided below.
A valid Trade License
Two copies of application in prescribed form duly filled in,
Two attested copies of deeds of the proposed land (if the land is owned by the entrepreneur, then attach copies of original deed, or copy of loan agreement for rented building)
Two copies of project profile if the cost of project exceeds Taka 5 Crore.
A pay order/bank draft for registration fees, (from any scheduled bank) in favour of Executive Chairman and Member Secretary, Board of Investment.
For Partnership Firms: Two attested copies of Partnership Deed.
For Public/Private Limited Company: Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation.
And Membership Certificate from local chamber of commerce or trade association (Only for an existing enterprise)
Two copies of application in prescribed form duly filled in.
Certificate of Incorporation along with Memorandum & Articles of Association in case of Public/Private Limited Company.
In case of Joint Venture Project (JV), two copies of Joint Venture Agreement duly signed in by both the parties.
Two attested copies of deeds of the proposed land (if the land is owned by the entrepreneur, then attach copies of original deed, or copy of loan agreement for rented building).
If the total project cost exceeds Tk. 50 (fifty) million, two copies of Project Profile.
Background of the Promoters in official letterhead pad describing a) Name, b) Permanent address, c) Mailing Address, d) Position and e) Nationality 07 (seven) copies.
List of machinery indicating quantity and price (7 (seven) copies)
In case the project is financed by loan, copy of relevant documents in support of loan 2 (two) copies].
A pay order/bank draft applicable of registration fee in favour of Executive Chairman and Member Secretary, Board of Investment.