Required Documens to Open a Foriegn Company Branch

Following documents are required for application of opening a foreign company Branch/Liaison/Representative office in Bangladesh
Audited accounts of last financial year of the principal company
Company’s board of director’s resolution regarding opening of office in Bangladesh
Proposed orgonogram of the office showing the post to be occupied by both expatraites and local personnel
Details of activities of the principal company and details of activities to be performed through the proposed Branch/Liaison/Representative office in Bangladesh
Name and Nationality of the Directors/Promoters of the principal company
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the principal company
Certificate of Incorporation
Attachement of company comment as per remarks(if any)
Documents shall have to be attested by the concern Bangladesh Mission of the respective country
After submitting the application please submit original copy (Hard copy) of all documents to the Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)
Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum US$ 50,000.00 as initial establishment cost for branch/liaison/joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership company incorporation in Bangladesh
Documents must be submitted by an authorized person of the principal company including authorization letter